(more...)This training (available in French or German) is for users who want to learn how to write SAS programs to manage and summarize data easily. It is the entry point to learning SAS programming and is a prerequisite to many other SAS subjects in statistics, clinical trials, statistics, econometrics, data mining, big data (SAS SQL), times series and quantitative finance. After the course, attendees will be able to use SAS software to read their data, access, manage and manipulate their data, save programs and datasets, use conditional logic, combine files, produce tables and listings of data, and use undergraduate elementary data analysis techniques. Note: This training concentrates on how to use the package, it is not an introduction to statistics.
SAS Enterprise Guide
(more...)This training (available in French or German) is for users who want to discover the GUI of SAS Enterpise Guide and import Data into it. It is the entry point to learning SAS programming and is a prerequisite to many other SAS subjects in statistics, clinical trials, statistics, econometrics, data mining, big data (SAS SQL), times series and quantitative finance. After the course, attendees will be able to use SAS Enterprise Guid to read, access, manage and manipulate their data, save programs and datasets.