MS Office Excel Training - Tools for accountants and controllers


MS Office Excel Training - Tools for accountants and controllers in Geneva, Zurich, Huston, San-Antonio, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Washington, Chicago, San Francisco and anywhere in Switzerland, USA, Great Britain and Germany.

ID : 1194

Goal : Allow the participants to master the functions of Microsoft Excel for the implementation of tools useful for financial missions and control management and to exploit the advantages of Excel to draw up and present relevant financial reports (annual accounts, schedules, provisional budgets or others). Also learn the bad practices to avoid when using a spreadsheet software for this particular area and therefore acquire methods to speed up and make reliable the construction of dashboards and management reports. This training is also useful to prepare the technical skills necessary for the Microsoft Excel training on dashboards (ID1158).

Audience : Accountants, controllers, financial analysts, accounting assistants, chartered accountants or anyone wishing to draw up financial documents with Microsoft Excel

Prerequisites : Have taken the Microsoft Excel Financial Modeling and Analysis course (ID1192) or have equivalent technical and theoretical knowledge. Or have a recent higher education in finance or accounting. It is also strongly recommended (but not mandatory!) to have followed the training on Recorded Macros (ID254) or to have equivalent technical and theoretical knowledge.

Goals :
  • Introduction
  • Warnings regarding the use of a spreadsheet software rather than professional management or reporting software
  • Reminders on computer file naming standards
  • Reminders on the 180 most common financial indicators
  • ...
Pedagogical method : This training is 90% practice oriented with predefined exemples and exercices choosed by the trainer.

Suggested duration for presentiel training (days) : 5
Suggested duration for on-line training (days) : 6

Daily price in face-to-face : 700 CHF
Daily price in remote : 336 CHF
Daily price in remote for students : contact us (only if student card!)
Daily price in remote (with recording) : 3500 CHF
Prices are per day per trainee without course material, without certificate, without evaluation, without exam, without training room or computer (these are each optional and must be requested in addition in the contact form for the establishment of the quote).

Tags : excel training for accountants, excel training for controllers, excel accounting training, excel controlling training, excel schedule training, excel budget management training, budgets, balance sheets, schedules, controlling.