
Formation Microsoft Office 365 - Microsoft PowerApps in Geneva, Zurich, Huston, San-Antonio, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Washington, Chicago, San Francisco and anywhere in Switzerland, USA, Great Britain and Germany.

ID : 1130

Goal : The purpose of this training is to introduce you to PowerApps for creating online applications for mobile phones and tablets based on different data sources (SharePoint, Microsoft Excel or other) that can range from a simple input / consultation form, to much more complex applications involving Microsoft Flow and the entire Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem.

Audience : This course is for anyone who wants to automate simple applications in Microsoft Office 365 and that primarily wants to create input interfaces for SharePoint / Microsoft Excel lists / tables with automated workflows.

Prerequisites : Very good general knowledge of the Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem with at least 2 to 3 years of practice. Have the habit of using smartphones and tablets for the use of online applications.

Goals :
Pedagogical method : Training based on improvised examples based on the particular needs of learners. The course consists of 95% practice and 5% theory.

Suggested duration for presentiel training (days) : 4
Suggested duration for on-line training (days) : 4.8

Daily price in face-to-face : 1870 CHF
Daily price in remote : 897.6 CHF
Daily price in remote for students : contact us (only if student card!)
Daily price in remote (with recording) : 9350 CHF
Prices are per day per trainee without course material, without certificate, without evaluation, without exam, without training room or computer (these are each optional and must be requested in addition in the contact form for the establishment of the quote).

Tags : office 365 training, office 365 course, powerapps training, powerapps course, microsoft flow, microsoft powerapps, microsoft powerapps training, microsoft powerapps course.